Testimonials - TRISLIDE

"Always in my bag. Unlike solid products I love that it won’t melt and I can reapply quickly between sessions or throughout the day because the cumulative effect of sand and salt can be brutal whether it’s work or play. Never melts. Never destroys everything in the bag" --Bruckner Chase, Professional Triathlete
"Trislide is by far the best option for getting in and out of my wetsuit but it also functions as a great way to keep my suit from rubbing on my skin. I have enough belongings to worry about on race day, I could not be more grateful to have one item that solves both of my problems" --Shelby Stanton, Triathlete

"In my first triathlon I remember using Pam cooking spray to avoid chafing for my wetsuit – what a mistake. Now Trislide is my go to for anti-chafe in my wetsuit. It goes on smooth and works perfectly for taking on and off your wetsuit. I spray it around my neck and ankles and feels great during my swim. Never had any issues. Not to mention my wetsuit comes off smoothly in T1!" --Tim Hola, Professional Triathlete
"This has kept me relatively chafe-free for open water swims and races that I do with either a wetsuit or a swimskin. I particularly find it useful around my neck and under my arms. For a fast escape from my wetsuit at races, I spray a healthy dose around my legs, ankles, and arms" --Meghan Faulkenberry, Triathlete
"Forget Chamois Butter--Trislide is the new female cycling saver" --Liz Baugher, Professional Triathlete
"There is no greater anti-chafe product available. It sprays on evenly so I don't miss a spot and wetsuit changes are a breeze" --Enita Larson, Triathlete

"I use TRISLIDE when I’m about to swim a long open water race. I use it when I’m wearing either a wetsuit or a competition suit, and it prevents chafing completely! It’s very effective, easy to use, and you don’t have to worry about getting it on your hands!" --Stephanie Peacock, Champion Swimmer
"I don't just use TRISLIDE under my wetsuit but I use it as a lubricant with my chamois cream. Chafing doesn't exist when I wear my swim skin, on long rides, or when I'm dripping wet on the run. If you have a spot where you've chafed before, try out TriSlide!" --Donna Adams, Triathlete
"Swimming, biking and running all involve an incredible amount of repetitive motion that cause an intense amount of chafing…which is not very comfortable nor attractive. TriSlide is the only anti-chafing product I’ve found that works equally well on land and in water. And it comes as environmentally-friendly spray, which means that goopy, greasy hands are no more!" --Savannaha Dearden, Triathlete